United Lodge of Theosophists (India)

To spread broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge

Theosophy Magazine

A monthly magazine, started by Robert Crosbie, devoted to the promulgation of Theosophy as it was given by those who brought it. To encourage and aid all students to a "return to the source" and a "following of the lines laid down" by H.P.B.; for the true basis of Unity among all Theosophists, wherever and however situated, must be "Similarity of Aim, Purpose and Teaching."

Volumes of Theosophy Magazine run from November to October. Those from 1912-1919 were edited by Robert Crosbie. Subsequent volumes have been evenly divided into epochs for ease of browsing.

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