United Lodge of Theosophists (India)

To spread broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge

The Friendly Philosopher

The writings of Robert Crosbie are included among the books belonging to the Theosophical literature for the reason that students have found them of great help in clarifying the teaching and as a practical guide in the Theosophical life. The Friendly Philosopher was compiled from his letters, talks and articles, published fifteen years after his death by appreciative students.

ISBN 0-938998-13-7

Answers To Questions On The Ocean Of Theosophy

For years Mr. Crosbie conducted classes in The Ocean of Theosophy. His comments and discussion on the Ocean were taken down by students and are available in this volume.

ISBN 0-938998-12-9

Light On The Path and Through The Gates Of Gold

There are two small books which were written down by Mabel Collins, a student of the last century. Light on the Path is a guide to the world of psychic experiences and Through the Gates of Gold is a short and simple treatise. Both bear internal evidence of occult teaching, and are to be studied simply for the practical guidance offered to students.


History of The Theosophical Movement

An accurate and unbiased overview of the History of the Theosophical Movement from the milieu in which it was founded in 1875 through to 1950. The actors and events on this historical stage is a representative reflection of the manifold forces acting within the human heart. As such this book is of dual-use to an ardent student of Theosophy. At the outset, it gives the student a deeper appreciation for the Theosophical teachings when seen through the historical context. And on a more profound reflection, it reveals the dangers of the unexamined undercurrent of personal ambition that defines the human condition of our age.

ISBN 0-938998-14-5

Five Years Of Theosophy

This is a collection of articles from the early years of the Theosophist, in facsimile of the original edition (London, 1885). A number of articles by H.P.B. are included in this volume; others of interest are by T. Subba Row, Mohini M. Chatterji, and Damodar K. Mavalankar. Of particular interest is the section entitled "Some Inquiries Suggested by Mr. Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism", which contains material published nowhere else. (569 pages.)

ISBN 0-938998-21-8

Theosophical Articles And Notes

The articles in this volume come from a variety of sources. They are presented here for their intrinsic worth to students of Theosophy. Also included is material from A.P. Sinnett's The Occult World, notes from Robert Bowen, a pupil of H.P.B., and notes of Countess Wachtmeister, apparently taken down from dictation by H.P.B.

ISBN 0-938998-29-3

Articles by Robert Crosbie

This is a collection of articles from the pen of Robert Crosbie which are not present in the Friendly Philosopher and yet are of great import. These articles were originally published in the Theosophy Magazine.


The Mahatma Letters To A. P. SINNETT

It is well known, among students of Theosophy and Occultism, that the philosophical doctrines and ethics which were given to the world through the Theosophical Society during the 16 years immediately following its foundation in 1875, emanated from certain Eastern Teachers said to belong to an Occult Brotherhood living in the trans-Himalayan fastnesses of Tibet. In 1880 the late A. P. Sinnett, then living in India, was enabled through the agency of Madame Blavatsky, to enter into correspondence with her own Teachers, whom she referred to variously under the terms, "The Brothers," "The Mahatmas," and later "The Masters of Wisdom." During the course of this correspondence which extended over the years 1880 to 1884 Mr. Sinnett received many letters from The Mahatmas M. and K. H., the Teachers in question, and it is these original communications which are published in the present volume under the title of "The Mahatma Letters."

Universal Theosophy

This book is compiled from Robert Crosbie's talks and letters on Theosophy. The talks were given between 1909 and 1919, in meetings of the United Lodge of Theosophists. Many students have found in Mr. Crosbie's words a natural introduction to a life-time study of the Theosophical philosophy.


H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life And Influence Of Helena Blavatsky

A biography of the woman who first brought Eastern philosophy and religion to the Western world describes Blavatsky's role as cofounder of the Theosophical Society and discusses her book, The Secret Doctrine. This is a thorough, scholarly and respectful biography of H.P. Blavatsky. (648 pages)

ISBN 978-0874776881

There is no Religion Higher Than Truth - सत्यात् नास्ति परो धर्मः

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