United Lodge of Theosophists (India)

To spread broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge

Isis Unveiled Vol 1, Vol 2

This book, totaling more than 1300 pages in two volumes, was the first to issue from the pen of H.P.B., published in 1877. Isis Unveiled unites a historical review of religious and scientific ideas with the spirit of the quest for truth. Of special interest to the West is the investigation of the origins of Christianity, including exhaustive study of the teachings of the gnostic sects of the first centuries, and an explanation of the mystery of Jesus. The first truly scientific account of the vast subject of "Magic" is offered in this work, which has for its sub-title: "A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Science and Theology." Photographic facsimile of the Original Edition, the two volumes bound in one.

ISBN 0-938998-01-3

The Secret Doctrine Vol 1, Vol 2

In 1888, eleven years after the appearance of Isis Unveiled, H.P.B. completed and published The Secret Doctrine — "The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy." The systematic character of this work is revealed by the subjects treated at length in its pages: Cosmogenesis, Cosmic Evolution, Anthropogenesis, the Evolution of Symbolism, the Archaic Symbolism of the World-Religions, Science and the Secret Doctrine Contrasted. The Secret Doctrine differs from Isis in that it deliberately unfolds a specific teaching about the nature of things. In the Introductory pages of Volume I, H.P. Blavatsky wrote: The Secret Doctrine is not a treatise, or a series of vague theories, but contains all that can be given out to the world in this century." The Secret Doctrine is, therefore, the basic source of the Theosophical teachings in this cycle. Facsimile edition, two volumes in one.

A separate supplementary Index to The Secret Doctrine is also available; valuable to students, it contains many more entries than those in the original edition.

ISBN 0-938998-00-5
The Secret Doctrine and Index: ISBN 0-938998-02-1

The Key To Theosophy

Designed by H.P.B. to afford a general perspective on the Theosophical teaching - and on the Theosophical Movement. In respect to the latter, the Key is an invaluable reference text (310 pages). The Key was published in 1889, to trace, as its author said, the broad outlines of the Wisdom Religion. This book is in the form of questions and answers — a dialogue between an Inquirer and a Theosophist — explaining fundamental principles, and meeting, at the same time, the various objections raised by the average Western inquirer. Unfamiliar concepts are presented in clear language, and as simply as possible.

The Key is especially valuable for its extended discussion of what happens after death and for the analysis of man's psychological nature. Facsimile of Original Edition

ISBN 0-938998-03-X

The Theosophical Glossary

Theosophical books contain many unfamiliar conceptions, terms and allusions without adequate definition or explanation in available dictionaries and encyclopedias. The Theosophical Glossary, published in 1892, meets this need. The Glossary provides 389 pages of definitions and brief philosophical essays by H.P. Blavatsky on terms and subjects of the Theosophical teaching. Facsimile of Original Edition.

ISBN 0-938998-04-8

The Voice Of The Silence

This rendition into English of selected passages from "The Book of Golden Precepts" appeared in 1889, with the inscription by H.P.B., "for the daily use of disciples". Of surpassing beauty in expression, it is a manual of devotion which thrills with the majestic purpose of the Saviors of mankind.

ISBN 0-938998-06-4

Transactions Of The Blavatsky Lodge

In 1889, when H.P.B. was in London, the weekly meetings of the Blavatsky Lodge was devoted to the discussion of the archaic "Stanzas" on which The Secret Doctrine is based. Transactions provides 150 pages of H.P.B.'s answers to metaphysical and scientific questions, as stenographically reported, and afterwards revised by her for publication. It also includes an extensive treatise on Dreams.

ISBN 0-938998-05-6

A Modern Panarion

This book was first published in 1895 by the Theosophical Society as a memorial of H.P.B.'s life and work. It offers articles she wrote before the Society was formed, which appeared in the press of that day, in spiritualistic journals, as well as many which were published in the early days of the Movement in various magazines, including the Theosophist. Students wishing to become better acquainted with the spirit of the opening years of the Theosophical Movement in the nineteenth century will appreciate this volume (504 pages). Facsimile of Original Edition.

ISBN 0-938998-22-6

There is no Religion Higher Than Truth - सत्यात् नास्ति परो धर्मः

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